Pothole? What pothole?
Open source development is like driving on a road with potholes where every driver also happens to be a road worker. One day you may just get fed up with driving over the same crater over and over again and decide to do something about it in the most direct way possible: stop the car, get out, and fill it in yourself.
Of course, some holes get away for a while because they're just not that bad, or too deep. Other's scream for immediate rectification. Like the maws that open up suddenly and force you to slam on the breaks less you go careening into the deeps of the Earth. Or the holes just big enough to swallow a wheel and bring the scheduled excursion to a halt.
Well, on the way to giving nf() a nudge I discovered one of those wheel eaters. Like Java, Processing uses an equals() method to compare two Strings. JavaScript gets away with just ==, and for the past while Processing.js (Pjs) has done without equals() and used just ==. This was all well and good... until I started writing tests for nf().
The nf() tests compare the String result of nf() and an expected String result. Depending or not the two Strings are the same the output's colour changes. To ensure the code used for the test in the Processing Development Environment and in Pjs were the same I needed equals(). (Mind you, I could have used == in Pjs, equals() in Processing, and get the same output, but that would have been cheating.)
So with that short story aside, I present a quick and dirty String::equals() for Pjs. May this hole never become deeper.
How the road looks now
So here's how it looks in Pjs. (Again, we'll have to make due with a link. Minifying the code for insertion into the post didn't work out to well.) This example is extended from the Processing example.
And here's how the same code looks like in Processing:
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